Saturday, July 25, 2020

How Long Does Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) Stay in Your System

How Long Does Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) Stay in Your System Addiction Drug Use Opioids Print How Long Does Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) Stay in Your System? Hydromorphone in Your Blood, Urine, Hair, and Saliva By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on December 13, 2015 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 21, 2020 Jupiterimages / Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Opioids Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery In This Article Table of Contents Expand How Long to Feel the Effects How Long Does It Last? Detection Time Getting It Out of Your System Symptoms of Overdose Getting Help View All Back To Top Hydromorphone, sold under the brand names Dilaudid and Exalgo, is an opiate analgesic used to relieve pain. Its prescribed for people who need relief for severe pain for an extended period of time and who are already used to how opioids affect them. Hydromorphone is available in liquid form, as a tablet, or as an extended-release tablet that only needs to be taken once a day. Hydromorphone is a Schedule II drug in the United States, which means its considered a drug with a high potential for misuse, potentially leading to severe psychological or physical dependence. The potency of hydromorphone is two to eight times higher than morphine. How Long Does Hydromorphone Stay In Your System? Blood: Up to 48 hoursUrine: Up to five daysSaliva: Up to five daysHair: Up to three months What You Should Know About the Pain Medication Dilaudid How Long Does It Take to Feel the Effects? The way in which hydromorphone affects your system depends on the route of administration. It can be taken as a pill, a liquid, injected intravenously (IV), intramuscularly (IM), or inserted rectally. Oral administration: When hydromorphone is taken orally in pill or liquid form, it begins to work quickly, often in about 15 minutes, and usually reaches its peak effect in 30 minutes to an hour.Intravenous (IV) injection: IV injections of hydromorphone begin to take effect in about five minutes.??Intramuscular (IM) injection: IM injections of hydromorphone begin to work in about 15 minutes.Rectal administration: Administration of hydromorphone rectally, which may be used in cases of severe nausea or when you cant have an injection, should take effect in about 30 minutes. Hydromorphone can make you drowsy, so until you know how it affects you, its safer to not drive or operate heavy machinery for two days after taking it. Common side effects of hydromorphone include:?? HeadacheSleep difficultiesSweatingDry mouthAnxietyFeeling lightheadedSleepinessPain in your muscles, joints, or backItchingAbdominal painDepression Hydromorphone can cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, especially during the first two days of taking it. You should be carefully monitored when you start taking this medication. Serious side effects of hydromorphone include: Shallow, weak, or very slow breathingSlow heart rate or pounding heartbeatsConfusionLightheadedness or faintingCold, clammy skinSeizures (convulsions)WheezingSevere weakness or drowsinessExtreme mood changesDifficulty urinating How Long Does Hydromorphone Last? The half-life of hydromorphone, or how long it takes for half of the drug to leave your system, also depends on the route of administration. Oral administration: about four hoursIV: about two hoursIM: three hoursRectal: four to five hours If you have been prescribed Dilaudid or Exalgo and need to take a urine drug test for employment or other purposes, tell the testing lab that you have been prescribed the drug so that they are able to interpret the test appropriately. Urine Hydromorphone is detected in urine drug screens for two to five days after the last use. Blood For most healthy individuals, it will take one to two days for hydromorphone to fully clear the blood. Saliva The drug can be detected in a saliva test for one to five days after the last dose is taken. Hair Hydromorphone can be detected in a hair follicle test for up to three months. Factors That Affect Detection Time The amount of time that hydromorphone is detectable in your body depends on a number of variables, including which kind of drug test is being used, your metabolism, age, and overall health. All of these factors make it nearly impossible to determine an exact time hydromorphone will show up on a drug test since it may be different for everyone. Age Older adults can take longer than younger adults to metabolize and eliminate the drug. Metabolism Your metabolic rate plays a role in the detection time of hydromorphone. In general, the slower your metabolism, the longer hydromorphone will remain in your system. Liver and Kidney Function People with liver or renal impairment tend to have longer elimination half-lives. Dosage Hydromorphone comes in an extended-release form, which can impact the amount of time it takes for your body to metabolize the drug. How to Get Hydromorphone Out of Your System The best way to get hydromorphone out of your system is to stop using the drug so your body has time to process and eliminate it. That said, its best to work with your doctor to taper off hydromorphone and avoid unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal. Symptoms of Overdose The extended-release form of hydromorphone is used to relieve severe pain around the clock in people who need continuous pain relief. In order to avoid a possible accidental overdose, make sure you take your medication at the same time every day. As a form of morphine, too much hydromorphone of any dosage can cause deep sleep and can slow your respiration. If more of the drug is taken before its completely metabolized out of your system, an overdose can occur. Follow your doctors instructions carefully. Even when taken as directed, hydromorphone can cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, especially during the first 24 to 72 hours after you begin taking the medication or after an increase in dosage. If you take the extended-release tablet, be sure to swallow it whole. Crushing, chewing, or dissolving the tablet causes the medication to be released quickly in your body instead of slowly over 24 hours, which can cause breathing difficulties or even lead to death. Some of the symptoms of a hydromorphone overdose include:?? Difficulty breathingSlowed or stopped breathingExcessive sleepinessDizzinessFaintingLimp or weak musclesNarrowing or widening of the pupilsCold, clammy skinSlow or stopped heartbeatBlue color of skin, fingernails, lipsLoss of consciousness or coma If you believe a loved one has overdosed on hydromorphone, call for emergency help immediately. First responders will likely be able to revive your loved one with Narcan, a drug that treats opioid overdoses, but the success of this depends on how quickly you get help. How and Why Narcan Is Used to Treat Pain Medication Overdoses Dangerous Interactions Certain medications can change the way hydromorphone affects your body by increasing, decreasing, or prolonging the effects.?? It is very important to discuss all prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and herbs that you are taking with your doctor or pharmacist so they can advise you and adjust your prescriptions properly for safety. Specific medications that interact with hydromorphone (Dilaudid) include:?? MAO inhibitorsBenzodiazepinesBlood pressure medicineDiuretics (water pills)AntidepressantsPhenothiazineSt. Johns wortTryptophan You must not drink alcohol, use any medications that contain alcohol, or use illegal drugs while taking hydromorphone because these all increase your risk of serious side effects or a fatal overdose. Getting Help It is critical to continue to take hydromorphone on the schedule provided by your doctor. If you suddenly stop taking it after you have been taking it for several days, you are likely to go through withdrawal, which can be dangerous. Only reduce your hydromorphone when advised to do so by your doctor and follow the schedule provided. Symptoms of hydromorphone (Dilaudid) withdrawal include:?? Severe cravings for DilaudidSweatingFever or chillsHeadachesGeneral aches and painsNauseaVomitingDiarrheaRapid breathingRapid heartbeatHigh blood pressureTremors and muscle spasmsAnxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughtsRestlessness, agitation, or trouble sleepingDecreased appetite Individuals are more likely to relapse and make poor decisions when withdrawal symptoms are at their peak. Physical symptoms can lead to many cognitive issues as well, such as attention deficit problems, issues with problem-solving, and memory function. When used properly, and during the early portion of recovery, hydromorphone is typically not an issue. The illicit use of hydromorphone, meaning without a prescription and without medical necessity, can lead to addiction. If you or someone you love is showing signs of hydromorphone dependency, help is available. Your doctor may prescribe an alternative medication to help you taper off the drug and refer you to a mental health professional or addiction specialist who may recommend treatment and support. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is also a good resource. You can call 1-800-662-4357 or try their  online tool  to locate an addiction treatment resource in your area.